Buying Dermatend the Original Mole, Wart & Skin Tag Remover Natural At Home Removal System. Removing Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Has Never Been Easier. low price
Check Out Dermatend the Original Mole, Wart & Skin Tag Remover Natural At Home Removal System. Removing Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Has Never Been Easier. For Discount Price.
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Customer Rating for Dermatend the Original Mole, Wart & Skin Tag Remover Natural At Home Removal System. Removing Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Has Never Been Easier. :

List Price : $59.95
Price : $39.95 on July 21, 2012

List Price : $59.95
Price : $39.95 on July 21, 2012

Dermatend the Original Mole, Wart & Skin Tag Remover Natural At Home Removal System. Removing Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Has Never Been Easier. Reviews
476 of 480 people found the following review helpful ![]() This review is from: Dermatend the Original Mole, Wart & Skin Tag Remover Natural At Home Removal System. Removing Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Has Never Been Easier. (Misc.) I give it 5 stars just for the simple fact that it does what it claims. If you use this as directed, you'll be very suprised. It's a little messy, I had to do 2 applications, took about a day and a half til I could go 'bandaid-less' without the paste. 1 actually came off yesterday (started the whole process 4 days ago) and the others definitely look like they are going to soon. It is a little painful & itchy (not to mention gross) but nothing awful. Those small round bandaids are perfect for this. I'll update this once they start to heal (the one that came off kind of looks like a little burn wound right now) and maybe I'll have during/after photos then. Also, it didn't really affect the healthy skin around it very much, and I know I wasn't very careful about applying it. Overall, it's worth the money. Careful about putting this in a place where others can see, it'll take a bit to heal and it turns the spot BLACK until it falls off. Wanted to also say the customer service is GREAT,... Read more 173 of 175 people found the following review helpful ![]() By mystical pippin (California USA) - See all my reviews This review is from: Dermatend the Original Mole, Wart & Skin Tag Remover Natural At Home Removal System. Removing Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Has Never Been Easier. (Misc.) I have some skin tags on my neck and some small moles on my face that have been popping up periodically over the years.They came from sun damage and aging. They have always bothered me because I didn't acquire them until my thirties.I could have them removed by either laser treatment which is highly exhorbitant with no guaranty they won't scar or come back. Or I could do the freezing or cutting off at a doctors office which is very painful and they usually come back. I first heard about Dermatend and other similar products from doctors years ago. A doctor I worked for applied it to a mole on my face. It'worked - it fell off in 4-5 days and it's never come back but it was a long time ago aND I don't live or work near them now so I did some research online and found the dermatend. It's safe and when used properly very effective - no scarring. I've seen a few bad reviews here from others stating that it didn't work or they could do it on their own just... Read more 217 of 224 people found the following review helpful ![]() This review is from: Dermatend the Original Mole, Wart & Skin Tag Remover Natural At Home Removal System. Removing Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Has Never Been Easier. (Misc.) I have been meaning to put up a review for a week now but haven't had a chance to. Sorry this is a really long post but I wanted to try my best to give you as much information/reviews as possible on my experience.My background information: I am mid 20's, hyper pigmented and my entire family suffers from many flat black moles on our body. They don't look bad to be honest, but I was particularly worried because in the last year my moles on my face had started to grow in size, and new ones were appearing. I looked like a constellation. I was planning on having these surgically removed but I couldn't afford it yet. My mother this February '11 went to India and had 2 of her facial moles removed. They were quite big, the size of a pencil eraser and 3 dimensional as well, she has had them for many many years. The moles in India were removed by a dermatologist by putting some sort of abrasive paste on the moles, they fell off within a week, but she was left with DARK... Read more |
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