Friday, June 29, 2012

cheap Axe Detailer Shower Tool, Colors May Vary (Pack of 4)

Axe Detailer Shower Tool, Colors May Vary (Pack of 4) best buy

Axe Detailer Shower Tool, Colors May Vary (Pack of 4)!

Best buy Axe  Detailer Shower Tool, Colors May Vary  (Pack of 4)

Customer Rating for Axe Detailer Shower Tool, Colors May Vary (Pack of 4) : Review score 3.7 of 5
List Price : $19.96
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Descriptions about Axe Detailer Shower Tool, Colors May Vary (Pack of 4) :

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Reviews about Axe Detailer Shower Tool, Colors May Vary (Pack of 4)

Axe Detailer Shower Tool, Colors May Vary (Pack of 4) Reviews
Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
127 Reviews
5 star:  (35)
4 star:  (52)
3 star:  (21)
2 star:  (10)
1 star:  (9)

102 of 111 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars For appearances sake..., July 14, 2008
Amanda Richards (Georgetown, Guyana) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Axe Detailer Shower Tool, Colors May Vary (Pack of 4) (Health and Beauty)
Customer review from the Amazon Vine™ Program (What's this?)
If your man chooses to groom
Himself inside a locker room
Get him THIS tool for the shower
A manly AXE with scrubbing power

Appearance wise, this is a hit
A rubber "tire" surrounds it
So he can grip his sturdy AXE
And purge the dirt from out the tracks


For getting into all the cracks
There's no real need to use this AXE
Unless you've oil and grime galore
From cleaning seabirds on the shore

The mesh side lathers up real quick
And is the side that you should pick
The other is like coarse sandpaper
In case your skin requires a scraper

Beware the red side if your skin
Is sensitive or very thin
Scrub your elbows and your heels
To understand how raw skin feels

It isn't that this product sucks
It's kinda cool - but for four bucks?
A bath net sponge performs just fine
And costs a dollar ninety nine

Amanda Richards,... Read more
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26 of 31 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Gets the green out!, July 6, 2008
Sean P. Logue "If you can't win, change the r... (Research Triangle Park, NC USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Axe Detailer Shower Tool, Colors May Vary (Pack of 4) (Health and Beauty)
Every time I mow the lawn, I get green stains on my feet, particularly the heels and toes. I wash them off afterward, but inevitably a green caste remains over the next week.

I've tried the big puffy shower things, which is really the only way to get good lather with modern liquid shower soaps and gels. They work, and produce a lot of lather. But, they are also hard to hold when they are soapy, are a bit scratchy, and not firm enough to really help with the green feet. Unlike some other reviewers here, I never had a problem with how they look, though they do have a distinctly feminine air about them, even if you don't go for the pink.

I was detailing my car this morning, and thought about the detailer shower tool from Axe. I guess the clever Mad Men down in marketing got me, because I picked one up in the afternoon while I was out. It actually does look very much like a car detailing tool, with the black and red color scheme and the "tire" ring around the... Read more
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8 of 9 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent Scrubber and a Skin Defoliator for Women Too, July 1, 2008
Bob Feeser "" (Springfield, PA USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Axe Detailer Shower Tool, Colors May Vary (Pack of 4) (Health and Beauty)
Customer review from the Amazon Vine™ Program (What's this?)
I know this is a manly sponge, but don't be surprised if your woman winds up using it too. This sponge has 2 sides. One side reminds you of a regular shower sponge, but instead of being silky, it is a little bit more aggressive. The other side, with the red center is as coarse as a scotch brite pad, although more ideally designed for the purpose, which will soften the more callous areas. This will not replace your wash rag, whereas it won't fit behind your ears. It is strictly a large surface area scrubber.
We have a continuum here, starting at soap only with your hand, which only removes the oil and salt deposits from sweat. Then you move up to a wash rag which helps to remove more of the dead skin cells sitting on the surface. The sponge, even on the gentler side is a little more aggressive than a wash rag, and will do a better job of defoliating, plus you can regulate that very easily, based on how much scrubbing you do.
I am not a proponent of acid washes, peeling... Read more
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